Monday, June 28, 2010

It is 5 o’clock in the morning and my alarm clock just went off. Monday morning has arrived. My pillow won’t let my head out of bed; I grab the crowbar and pry my self to an upright position. Grab my stuff and off to the gym I go. This exercise is not as bad as it was last week or maybe I sleep through part of it. I am ready for the weekend. (I did have a piece of dark chocolate this weekend. I had saved 150 calories and as it melted in my mouth sitting there by the camp fire, I thought to myself, “Damn, this is good”.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I bought some butter popped corn rice cakes (great treat), only 35 Calories with zero fat. These are for a snack in between meals . Also they taste like I am eating styrofoam. I still need and want a Dr. pepper or, seeing it is the weekend, a rum and coke, only 350 calories. The recipe is one glass with four large ice cubes, 1 1/2 oz of captian Morgans spice rum and a 12 oz ice cooled coke.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I met my trainer Tuesday, Sean, and he let me know far out of shape I am by my work out. By the time he finished with me I had to lay on the floor for 10 minutes before I could walk out to my car. We met again this morning. After today’s work out I had to bend my head down to shower and wash my hair because my arms would not lift over my head. It was a half hour later before I could get my arms to work normally. He said it would better next week. I hope he meant that the stiffness and aching will be gone, not that he is upping my weights. He is doing a great job pushing me to my potential. Also with all the water I am drinking and smaller portions of food I need a larger bladder and smaller stomach. I have never made so many trips to the bathroom in all my life. I wish the best to all 100 day heart challenge friends.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I now understand why I am over weight, the portion sizes I eat. I was always under the impression that bigger is better. The more food for your money, the better the deal was. I can giant size anything for 49 cents. I spent 45 minutes in the gym today and didn’t burn off enough calories for a 16 oz Dr. Pepper and a snickers candy bar. I have been 7 day without both. I NEED A DR. PEPPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Well I weighted in today .I was a little worse off than I expected. I have a meeting with the trainer tomorrow I hope this old body will hold up. I have slapped the Rock game on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!