Friday, August 13, 2010

I will be in Socorro, New Mexico all next week at (IRTB) Training. So wish me the best on having to eat out every meal and counting calories. Take notes for me someone in are nutrition class, so I don’t fall behind And yes I will be exercising. See you in a week.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Well its Wednesday and time to blog. I have hit the wall and am having a hard time rolling out of bed at 5 am to exercise. But I force my self to do it; I was down to 183.5 pounds today, a pound and a half lower than I want to be. So I went to Molly’s for lunch, what a great place for home cooked food that will kill any diet. I had brazened pot roast that you could cut with your fork and a spinach salad, Dutch oven potatoes that were to die for. Then to top it off, basil tomato pie. I would guess that this lunch took all my calories for the day and I enjoyed every bite. Tomorrow back to the small portions.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The scale Gods are smiling on me today! I went to the gym and worked out, showered and weighed in. I made my goal weight 185 pounds, down from 212 pounds. Now I can increase my calorie intake; I just need to maintain. Wish everyone in the 100 day heart challenge the same success.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome to Monday. And a grand Monday it is. I went in to the gym this morning put in my 45 minutes and I feel great. I had a few treats this weekend playing cards (OMG) how can you play cards without putting something in your mouth; grapes ,red licorice and a few almonds (20) that were above my daily calorie intake. On the other hand I didn’t have a girly beer (wine cooler) this weekend. If I'm not careful I could be translated and not be able to finish my 100 day heart challenge.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The key to all things is finding peace within us. Without peace in your life there will be problems in all our adventures and trials in life. I have started a new class and have recruited followers. See my class in action, see the pictures. If you would like to join, give me a call. All the positive energy in this class has help me in my weight loss. See you all next week.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Well, I cut my hair today and lost 5 pounds by getting it cut. I am enjoying my mornings at the gym. I started playing city league softball and didn’t pull a hamstring running the bases in our first game. That is a miracle in itself. I also made it to home plate without needing an oxygen bottle or having a heart attack. I guess my time in the gym has paid off, but my craving for Dr. Peppers has come back.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Well, we are half way through the 100 day heart challenge. My how time flies’s by. I was asked by a lady today at the gym how I was doing. I told her how much weight I had lost, that my blood pressure was down and I felt great. She said sounds like you’re going to win! No, I have already won. My pants aren’t tight any more and I can hike in the mountain farther now than I have in a long time. I have won and it will only get better from here on out! The trainer, Shane, gave me a new exercise in my routine and upped some of my weights. He has me jogging at a 5% incline for 3 minutes at a time in intervals. I think he loves to push me past my limits. He pushes me harder than I would ever think of. I didn’t know that my heart would beat 250 beats a minute without exploding. At least that’s what it seems like. See you all next week and have a great three day weekend.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Great news!!!! I only have 5 more pounds to lose to reach my goal, 22 down and 5 to go. Also my blood pressure is down in normal range. Life is great; I’m even starting to enjoy exercising. The only downfall to this is I sound like I belong in a band; the fiber is bad for giving you gas. We'll see you next Blog.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sorry I haven’t blogged in the last week but I have been on vacation for the last 10 days. I have exercised and made my nutrition class but I stumbled on the diet one or two days. I was asked to judge a Dutch oven cook off and I had to say YES because I love food cooked in a Dutch oven. That night I ate about 20,000 calories and enjoyed every one. Our nutritionist said that it is what you do on an average not what you do once in a while. So let me tell you what we ate main coarse was barbeque pork chops, rice and shrimp, chicken enchiladas, lasagna, chicken pot pie, club sandwich, chili Verde and chicken cordon blue. Then to the breads: two different corn breads, a cheese covered roll, French bread dripping in garlic butter and to save the best for last: desserts, fresh peach cobbler, triple berry cobbler, spice cake, chocolate pudding cake with whip cream and chocolate chips, Oreo cheese cake, double berry cheese cake, Almond bar and the show best was a chocolate decedent cake with chocolate drizzled over it and fresh raspberries. OMG, I felt like a king at a feast. What a night! I did lose weight that week and I am back on track.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Well, it’s been a few days since my last blog. I was going to tell you about all the fiber I have been eating and the effects it has on your body, but I will leave that to your imagination. (There is bread that isn’t white and IT IS FULL OF FIBER). The work outs are not as tiring, my eating habits are changing a little. I still crave a tall, ice cold drink of DR. Pepper. I will be on vacation next week wish me the best, I will need it.

Monday, June 28, 2010

It is 5 o’clock in the morning and my alarm clock just went off. Monday morning has arrived. My pillow won’t let my head out of bed; I grab the crowbar and pry my self to an upright position. Grab my stuff and off to the gym I go. This exercise is not as bad as it was last week or maybe I sleep through part of it. I am ready for the weekend. (I did have a piece of dark chocolate this weekend. I had saved 150 calories and as it melted in my mouth sitting there by the camp fire, I thought to myself, “Damn, this is good”.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I bought some butter popped corn rice cakes (great treat), only 35 Calories with zero fat. These are for a snack in between meals . Also they taste like I am eating styrofoam. I still need and want a Dr. pepper or, seeing it is the weekend, a rum and coke, only 350 calories. The recipe is one glass with four large ice cubes, 1 1/2 oz of captian Morgans spice rum and a 12 oz ice cooled coke.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I met my trainer Tuesday, Sean, and he let me know far out of shape I am by my work out. By the time he finished with me I had to lay on the floor for 10 minutes before I could walk out to my car. We met again this morning. After today’s work out I had to bend my head down to shower and wash my hair because my arms would not lift over my head. It was a half hour later before I could get my arms to work normally. He said it would better next week. I hope he meant that the stiffness and aching will be gone, not that he is upping my weights. He is doing a great job pushing me to my potential. Also with all the water I am drinking and smaller portions of food I need a larger bladder and smaller stomach. I have never made so many trips to the bathroom in all my life. I wish the best to all 100 day heart challenge friends.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I now understand why I am over weight, the portion sizes I eat. I was always under the impression that bigger is better. The more food for your money, the better the deal was. I can giant size anything for 49 cents. I spent 45 minutes in the gym today and didn’t burn off enough calories for a 16 oz Dr. Pepper and a snickers candy bar. I have been 7 day without both. I NEED A DR. PEPPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Well I weighted in today .I was a little worse off than I expected. I have a meeting with the trainer tomorrow I hope this old body will hold up. I have slapped the Rock game on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!